This is the text of the fifth post on facebook groups:
"In this fifth post about Mario Agrifoglio I present two works of 1990, the first one is 60x60 cm, the second is 100x100 cm.
The title of the first work is 'foglie', the title of the second is 'spatial variation'.
The photos on the left representing the works illuminated with sunlight, on right the same works are illuminated under black light
I publish together these two works because after speaking in preceded the post of Wconvergenze and Wdivergenze under an almost purely technical language, here show the use of these techniques as poetic language.
Making a comparison with the music the works of previous posts as they were represented Wvariation (Wconv and Wdiv) like chords (sets of notes represented by individual variation), while here we have like a melody composed by a more complex of chords with objectives lyric / aesthetic.
The Wvariazioni allow games and representations on the dimension spaces and floors.
In fact almost all the works of Agrifoglio have a complex plot and he use the Wvariazioni as an aid to aesthetic reason, that meets the criteria of color balance and colors interaction dynamics.
The search for Agrifoglio leaves from color and comes to the light, with both artistic and scientific ambitions expressed in its various publications.
I believe that the work 'foglie' will be part of the plan for sale of the foundation Mario Agrifoglio, implemented through the secondary market.
To raise awareness and promote Mario Agrifoglio we are convinced that in addition to the publication of information and research partnerships with suitable profile is important to place on the market a number of works.
Our conviction (as Mario Agrifoglio Foundation) is that the market will increasingly appreciate and value the work and research of this artist, as the founder and lonely forerunner of black light art."
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