mercoledì 1 ottobre 2014

Works at auction

Is near the season of auctions and then I present the works that will go on auction in the next period.

The first work entitled "leaves" 1990, Mixed media on canvas, 60x60 cm, this will be proposed by the Capitolium in the next auction in late October / early November.
Its distinctive game of levels is rare in the works of Mario Agrifoglio who normally preferred to play with WConvergenze or WDivergenze. The WConvergenze are less pronounced compared to other works but still present: it can be observed a range of blue WConvergenze starting from various shades of gray, blue and white.

'foglie' under sunlight
'foglie' under black light

The second work will go on auction from Poleschi in November.
 I do not remember the title but it is a work of 1982, also mixed media on canvas, 60 x 60 cm, whose aesthetic is very sophisticated.
 The photo under black light does not make the reality of the work, in some cases, the luminescent colors do not impress film properly; for example the yellow circle under black light is really orange, a color a lot closer to day work than shows the photo.
Artwork under sunlight at auction Poleschi

Artwork under black light at auction Poleschi

The third work in this auction will be offered again from Capitolium with 'foglie'
The title is 'variazioni', mixed media on canvas, 60x60 cm, is a work that is part of a series of similar works played in the daytime version mainly on 'variazioni' of orange, with Wconvergenze version in black light towards the violet and blue. Aesthetically it resembles the first play from Capitolium auction in July.

'Variazioni' on sunlight

'Variazioni' under black light

In the vicinity of the auctions will inform you more precisely about the dates and methods of participation.

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sono gradite indicazioni su cosa vi interessa conoscere su Mario Agrifoglio